Human Rights Are Non-Negotiable

Human rights are something that affects all of us. As a global business, we accept social responsibility for the people at our own locations as well as within our supply chain. And in doing so, we support people around the world in overcoming social challenges.
Our Riskmanagement System
To identify and minimize human rights and environmental risks in our supply chain at an early stage, we apply risk management system based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Due Diligence Guidelines, and the requirements of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act. In doing so, we proceed in four steps: We analyze the risks in our supply chain, implement preventive measures wherever necessary to prevent risks from occurring, and take remedial action where damage could not be prevented. We also talk publicly about what we are doing and make the risks in our supply chain transparent through reporting.

Fulfilling our Standards: Code of Conduct and Auditing
Compliance with our Code of Conduct for the procurement of goods is a prerequisite for the start and continuation of a business relationship with our suppliers. Among other things, this code clearly prohibits child labor and forced labor and sets out requirements for wages and working hours, health and safety at the workplace, the freedom to unionize for all workers and environmental and animal protection principles. Our regulations are based on the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO). To ensure that the standards and guidelines set out in the Code of Conduct are observed in our supply chain, we conduct regular audits at our suppliers' production units to monitor compliance with our standards and identify potential risks. As part of the German Supply Chain Duty of Care Act, we have set up a reporting system through which people in our supply chain can anonymously and confidentially forward complaints and information about violations of our standards to us. We record these reports and follow them up consistently.

Complaints Procedure
Violations can be reported to or via The rules of procedure for the complaints procedure in German and English can be downloaded under Grievance Policy.
How Can We Encourage Fairer Working Conditions?
Our audits are an important element in our risk management system, ensuring that our social and environmental standards are upheld. However, it is difficult to achieve sustainable improvements in working conditions in the long term with audits alone. That is why we have been working together with the Fair Wear Foundation since 2022 to set up a strong social program. In doing so, we want to promote fair working conditions and to support the people in our supply chain in standing up for their rights.
Through Social Dialogue Trainings in the supply chain, which we conduct in collaboration with the Fair Wear Foundation, we proactively mitigate risks and strengthen compliance structures in the factories.